
Terms & Conditions

Version 1.1.

Last updated 01 Nov 2020

  1. Applicability of the terms

These general terms and conditions apply to the treatment agreement concluded between the Patient and Moments Psychology, which is also completed with individual agreements.

If any provision of these terms and conditions proves to be invalid, these terms and conditions will remain in effect for the rest.

If a situation should arise between the client and Moments Psychology that is not covered by these terms and conditions or if there is any uncertainty about the explanation of these terms, then this situation should be assessed in accordance with the spirit of these terms and conditions.

2. The agreement

A treatment plant that complies with the professional standards and is based on the consultation between the client and Moments Psychology will be provided.

An agreement between the client and moments psychology will only be made if:

  1. The client voluntarily indicates that they wish to enter into an agreement

  2. Moments Psychology is of the opinion that the clients’ request can be met based on the services available. 

  3. If both 1 and 2 cannot be met, the client will be informed immediately. Moments Psychology is not liable for compensation for costs or damage due to failure to participate. 

Any changes related to the treatment plan will be discussed as soon as possible. 

The agreement is valid for the duration of the treatment. 

3. Termination and cancellation

The agreement ends:

  1. Completion of the treatment agreed with the client;

  2. the death of the client or therapist;

  3. termination within the meaning of this article;

  4. with the agreement of both parties;

  5. in the event of a suspension of payments, a declaration by the WSNP or the bankruptcy of client or Moments Psychology.

The agreement can be terminated in writing by the client at any time. The client undertakes to inform Moments Psychology of this in good time and to motivate the termination as well as to sign a written statement in the event that the patient terminates treatment against the advice of Moments Psychology.

Moments Psychology can terminate the agreement in writing for such compelling reasons that continuation of the treatment cannot reasonably be expected. These reasons, in any case, include, but are not limited to:

  1. The client does not comply with his obligations under the agreement and after being held liable for this, the client does not change his behaviour;

  2. The client refuses to cooperate that is reasonably necessary for the proper execution of the agreement;

  3. The client displays behaviour, which makes it seriously difficult to continue careful treatment or supervision, whether or not in combination with a stay;

  4. the extent or severity of the treatment due to a changed care demand develops in such a way that it falls outside the scope of the agreement;

  5. During a period of 28 days of treatment the client is not heard from;

Moments Psychology will in case of any termination of the agreement as mentioned in 3.3 assists in finding alternative care for the patient.

If the agreement is cancelled, any outstanding fees are immediately due and payable. 

4. Care and principles

All services provided by Moments Psychology are performed to the best of our abilities. 

All clients will be treated with psychological and physical respect. 

All individual- and cultural traits, and personal circumstances will be respected and taken into consideration.

No unjustified distinctions because of race, ethnicity, gender, age, beliefs, religion, political affiliation, sexual orientation or on any other grounds will be made. 

5. Quality

The client will receive the most appropriate guidance from Moments Psychology in order to reach the agreed-upon goals, without guaranteeing the result. The results will also be dependent on the motivation and cooperation of the client.

Before an agreement is reached, thorough information is provided on the rights and obligations of both parties, the form, duration and content of the care and costs will be discussed and provided. 

The care to be delivered and the progress of the treatment will be assessed on a regular basis. 

6. Obligations of the client

The client is obliged to provide all information and details in a timely manner, as reasonably required by Moments Psychology for the proper execution of the treatment.

The client is obliged to immediately inform Moments Psychology about facts and circumstances that may be important for the performance of the treatment.

The client guarantees the accuracy, completeness and reliability of the information and written documents provided.

7. Records, confidentiality and privacy

Moments Psychology keeps documentation of provided care. 

With regard to all information provided by the client to Moments Psychology will be treated as confidential. 

Moments Psychology takes care of a client administration and stores the data and any results of the client in a client dossier. A request for inspection of the client's own medical file can be made in writing with a copy of an identification document. 

Moments Psychology requires the explicit and specific written consent of the client for the provision of data to third parties, except in compliance with a legal obligation. 

Moments Psychology is bound by confidentiality unless serious circumstances make disclosure imperative. This confidentiality continues to remain intact even after the termination of the contract is concluded with the client. 

After termination of the agreement, the documented documentation is kept for at least 15 years.

For more detailed information regarding confidentiality and privacy, refer to the Moments Psychology Privacy Policy.

8. Liability

If it appears that Moments Psychology fails to fulfil its obligations, it can only be held liable in the case of intentional or gross negligence. This liability is limited to direct damage and to the maximum compensation that the client pays for following treatment at Moments Psychology cannot be held liable for indirect damage and consequential damage. 

Moments Psychology is not liable for any damage to third parties, for any reason, arising from conduct or actions by the client. 

The therapist does not give advice on decisions or changes in one's life. The therapist only supports the client's own process and the client's own choices. The client is at all times responsible for his own choices, behaviours and the consequences thereof. The therapist is not responsible, let alone liable, for any decisions or changes made in the life of the client. 

Moments Psychology cannot be held liable for any damage, for whatever reason, suffered by clients through the use of the general and personal website.

9. Payments, Billing and Rates

Payment is required after each session (cash or proof of EFT payment). Payment requests can be sent by Moments Psychology via Bunq Payment Request or Tikkie.

If Moments Psychology spends more than 10 minutes a week responding to phone calls or emails with regards to the clients care, treatment or management, the client will be billed accordingly for this time.

Moments Psychology reserves the right to terminate therapy in the instance of non-payment or late payment, given that appropriate arrangement for any necessary treatment/intervention elsewhere.

At the end of a calendar month, Moments Psychology will send a monthly summary of sessions which can be used to settle any outstanding fees.

The normal charge will be levied for any session not cancelled more than 24 hours prior to the session.

Rates may be changed each year and will be reflected on www.momentspsychology.nl.

10. Complaints

In case of a complaint by a client, Moments Psychology will act in accordance with the Complaints Procedure.

Please refer to the NIP complaints procedure discussed on their website. https://www.psynip.nl/en/dutch-association-psychologists/about-nip/disciplinary-rules-complaints/ 

11. Conclusion

Each agreement between the client and Moments Psychology is governed by Dutch law.

Terms and conditions are subject to change and clients will be informed of any changes in the terms of conditions.