How it works


Step 1: Screening

Feeling uncertain about therapy?

Please feel free to book a free 20 minute screening session.

During this session we can focus on your reason for considering therapy.


Step 2: Book a session

Motivated to start therapy?

Contact me to book your first intake session.

Complete a registration form.


Step 3: Intake Session

What is an Intake Session?

This session is usually longer than a regular session. I really take the time to get to know you.

We will focus on the reason for therapy, defining expectations and setting goals for therapy.


Step 4: Therapy

Ready for Therapy?

Once we have completed the intake session and both of us feel comfortable moving forward, then we will discuss the frequency and duration of your therapy.


Just a thought…

The idea of therapy can be overwhelming and anxiety-provoking. This is completely understandable and normal. I want to assure you that we will take it one step at a time, at the pace that you are comfortable with.


Screening Session:

Duration: 20 minutes *

Rate: Free of Charge

* This session is usually online

Individual Session:

Duration of an Individual Intake Session: 60 minutes of contact time and 15 minutes of administration time.

Duration of an Individual Session: 50 minutes of contact time and 10 of minutes administration time.

Rate: €100

Couple Session:

Duration of a Couple Intake Session: 60 minutes of contact time and 15 minutes of administration time.  

Duration of a Couple Session: 60 minutes of contact time and 15 minutes of administration.

Rate:€130 (excluding VAT)


Please feel free to contact me for reduced rates for students and any other special circumstances.

Payments are to be made at the time of the session. This can be done through Online payment systems or bank transfer.



At times life happens. You are more than welcome to change your appointment or cancel your appointment. Please do so 24 hours before your appointment. Last minute cancellations will be charged full price. *

* Corona-related symptoms? Please let me know if you show any corona-related symptoms. Sessions will be re-scheduled free of charge.

Insurance Coverage:

I am an independent practitioner and I am not affiliated with any Health Insurance companies. Please check with your health insurer whether there are any reimbursements available.

Let’s talk!

Your first screening session is free