Support for

At Moments Psychology we offer the following services


Expat Life

Moving to a different country is a very contradictory experience. You can feel excited and hopeful for the future, but you can also feel anxious and overwhelmed. Adapting to a new country’s culture, language and possibly new life roles can differ for each person in a family. Some find it harder than others; for example, it may be more challenging for trailing spouses. A trailing spouse sacrifices their career to support the family’s dream of a better life or their partner’s career prospects. When it is difficult to adjust to a new country, it influences your self-esteem, your relationships and your experience of everyday life.  

+ Feelings that you can experience include ...

  • Feelings of isolation
  • Grief
  • Confusion
  • Frustration
  • Anger
  • Resentment
  • Depression


+ What therapy can do for you ...

Therapy can be a space in which you can grieve the life you knew, and help you navigate the uncertainties of your new life.



Stressful events are part of everyday life. Examples of stressful events can include a career change, a positive or negative change in your relationships, losing a loved one, or becoming a parent. Being overwhelmed is a normal response to these life-changing events.  However, if your reaction to this particular event starts to hinder your participation in daily life and relationships, adjustment can be problematic.

Feelings that you can experience include ...

  • Worry
  • Anxiety
  • Sadness


Changes that you can notice ...

  • Eating patterns
  • Sleeping patterns
  • Social behaviour
  • Levels of concentration


What therapy can do for you ...

Therapy can help you work through and make sense of some of your difficult emotions. You can also reach new insights about yourself and others.



Disappointment, loss, sadness and anger is part of life. As humans, we go through different experiences that can evoke these feelings. At times we feel hopeless and helpless, which can make the world seem like a dark and dangerous place. Experiencing these feelings are normal, but when the world continues to be dim and dangerous, we can lose the energy to live a full life. A combination of events and factors usually causes these feelings.

Feelings you can experience include ...

  • Depression
  • Sadness
  • Hopelessness
  • Irritability
  • Guilt


Changes that you can notice...

  • Eating patterns,
  • Sleeping patterns,
  • Social behaviour,
  • Levels of concentration
  • Interest in enjoyable activities
  • Suicidal thoughts


What therapy can do for you ...

Therapy can become a place of refuge. Together with your therapist, you can make sense of your emotions and find possible solutions that can help you take back control of your life. Just a thought - At times, therapy may not be enough, and you may need other interventions. If this occurs, I will support you in getting the help that you deserve.

Just a thought - At times therapy may not be enough and you may need other interventions. If this occurs I will support you in getting the help that you deserve.



In today’s day and age, everyone is constantly busy with work, family, friends and personal development. It is often exhausting and stressful to be the best version of yourself. If we never take a moment to rest and recuperate, we can experience burnout. Burnout is a state of emotional, mental and physical exhaustion caused by frequent or long periods of stress. 

Feelings that you can experience include ...

  • A sense of dread about work
  • Anger
  • Cynicism
  • Irritability


Changes that you can notice ...

  • Always feeling drained
  • Never feel refreshed after short moments of rest and recuperation


What therapy can do for you ...

Therapy can help you make sense of the causes of your burnout, teach you how to identify future risks and triggers, and help you develop effective stress management skills. Please note that Moments Psychology interventions does not participate in any psycho-legal work.



Low and brief feelings of fear and worry play an important role in our daily life.  It acts as a motivator by driving us to complete daily tasks and grow in various spheres of life. It also acts as a warning system that helps us be cautious and alert. When feelings of anxiety become persistent, excessive and difficult to control it can influence how we participate in daily life and relationships. 

Feelings that you can experience include ...

  • Emotionally:
    • Worry
    • Fear
    • Anxiety
    • Sadness
  • Physically:
    • Tenseness
    • Increased heart rate
    • Trembling
    • Shortness of breath


Changes that you can notice ...

  • Sleeping patterns
  • Social behaviour
  • Levels of concentration


What therapy can do for you ...

Therapy can help you take back control of these thoughts and feelings, by gaining insight into your anxiety, evaluating unhelpful thoughts and teaching you how to tolerate your anxiety with practical anxiety management skills.



Trauma is often linked to natural or human-made disasters, physical, sexual or emotional abuse, accidents or crimes. However, it can be any event or experience that changes your core belief that the world is fair and safe. Illness, death, moving, or losing your income can be traumatic. Feeling traumatised is a normal response after any traumatic event. When it interferes with your daily functioning and relationships, it becomes problematic.

Feelings that you can experience include ...

  • A heightened state of anxiety and stress
  • Sadness
  • Fear
  • Denial
  • Anger
  • Numbness
  • Feeling on edge


Changes that you can notice ...

  • Eating patterns
  • Sleeping patterns (nightmares)
  • Levels of concentration
  • Avoidance of people, objects or places that are reminders


What therapy can do for you ...

Therapy can become a supportive space in which you can make sense of the event, find strategies to make you feel safe again and work through some of the emotions related to it. Just a thought - if you have experienced complex trauma, I may refer you to another therapist that specialises in trauma.

Just a thought - if you have experienced complex trauma I may refer you to another therapist that specializes in trauma.



Self-esteem is what you think and believe about ourselves. It influences how you interact with others and the world around us. Self-esteem starts forming from an early age and changes continuously. Our experiences and how people treat us, influence our self-esteem. If you have low self-esteem, you may feel like you are not good or worthy enough. Consequently, it can negatively affect your work, private and social life.

Feelings that you can experience include ...

  • Shame
  • Self-Doubt
  • Being self-critical
  • Being assertive
  • Difficulty in identifying and expressing your needs


What therapy can do for you ...

In therapy, you can explore pre-existing thoughts about yourself, and create a more balanced view about your abilities, needs, strengths and areas of improvement.


Difficulties with Emotions

When feelings are uncomfortable, it is normal to try and avoid them. Feeling and making sense of uncomfortable emotions can be overwhelming and confusing, especially when you feel stressed. Emotions are valuable because they tell you what you need in different situations and relationships. Some people experience and understand feelings easier than others. Our temperament, childhood history and cultural beliefs play a role in how we experience emotions. Difficulties with emotions can negatively influence your mental health, daily functioning and relationships:

Feelings that you can experience include ...

  • Difficulty identifying different emotions
  • Difficulty expressing emotions
  • Experiencing emotions as intense and unchangeable
  • Your emotions control your behaviour


What therapy can do for you ...

In therapy, you can learn about identifying and understanding your emotions. By learning healthier coping skills, you can learn how to control your feelings and behaviours.

Let’s talk!

Your first screening session is free